Ti piace Google Earth? E' un programmino che ti fa vedere la Terra attraverso immagini satellitari scattate negli ultimi 3 anni. La risoluzione è buona, ottima per le città più importanti ed alcuni edifici americani sono stati riprodotti in 3D. Inizialmente era lo sfizio di vedere casa propria dall'alto, dall'occhio di un satellite, poi ho scoperto molte altre funzionalità su questo blog:
Del tipo: foto particolari, aggiornamenti sui terremoti e sul meteo quasi in tempo reale, rotte aeree e tante altre chicche. Dategli uno sguardo! (è consigliata una connessione ADSL ed una buona scheda video 3D)
Do you like Google Earth? It's a nice program that let you see the Earth by satellites photos of the last 3 years. The resolution is good, expecially for big cities and there are also 3D buildings in the U.S.A. Initially it was funny to see home from a satellite eye and compare it with the ones of my university fellows, but later I discovered more applications (on the blog linked up there) like particular photos, earthquakes and weather, flying routes and more. Take a look!
Do you like Google Earth? It's a nice program that let you see the Earth by satellites photos of the last 3 years. The resolution is good, expecially for big cities and there are also 3D buildings in the U.S.A. Initially it was funny to see home from a satellite eye and compare it with the ones of my university fellows, but later I discovered more applications (on the blog linked up there) like particular photos, earthquakes and weather, flying routes and more. Take a look!
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